Into the woods: SLLC East Entryway project granted by The Green Initiative Fund (TGIF)
The “East Entryway Project”, or more commonly known to SLLC members and affiliates as “The Woods Project”, aims to make space for student-centered design and sustainable stewardship of a space marked by tall trees and vines at the crossroads of the Ecological Community Gardens, the Feminist Research Institute, the Domes cooperative student residence and the Student Farm. A crucial connecting piece, the Woods has the potential to form a natural accessible link between SLLC communities and preserve mature habitats of plants and animals.
Back in February, the SLLC team worked tirelessly on vision-planning, budgeting and writing our proposal for funds, which includes two paid student employee positions for stewardship planning and long-term maintenance of the Woods space as well as heavy participatory design work in collaboration with Landscape Design Architect students and professor / mentor David de la Peña. On May 7th, The Green Initiative Fund (TGIF), which promotes sustainable development in the UC Davis community, approved the SLLC East Entryway project for the total amount requested from the committee. Now that we have the support to start this endeavor, it’s time for our communities to get into the Woods!
The proposal states “The creation of a stewardship plan for ‘the Woods’ will allow for the preservation of critical wildlife habitat on campus, public education on the importance of ecological sanctuary, and space for students to reflect on nature and develop their sense of belonging at UC Davis. Design and development of the stewardship plan will provide students with rich experiential learning through a project that develops professional skills in sustainable and participatory design, ecosystem services and climate change adaptivity, and development along urban/agricultural interfaces.” The project which was initiated in August is set to conclude at the end of May 2021.
Now the fun begins! Both the student stewardship and maintenance positions have been filled and COVID-safe clean-up in the Woods space has started. Thank you to The Green Initiative Fund at UC Davis for investing in student and community-centered design and sustainable development; thank you for investing in the SLLC!