Carlie Domingues
Native American Studies graduate student Carlie Domingues’ project works on the question of how “UC students, staff, faculty and community members can indigenize and/or decolonize spaces for public health and well-being with metrics of environmental sustainability and social justice.” Carlie comes to the project as a student leader at the Native American Student Union (NASU)’s garden plots in the ASUCD Community Garden, and has worked alongside Sarah McCullough (Associate Director of the UCD Feminist Research Institute) and fellow NASU garden volunteers.
Kees Hood
Evolution, Ecology, and Biodiversity undergraduate student Kees Hood’s “Tri Co-ops Habitat Enhancement Project” is works towards visual enhancement, community building and outreach, community connectivity and ecological enhancement of the existing gardens at the UC Davis Tri Co-ops, with an eye toward making natural spaces more accessible to the community. Kees brings to his project experience as a leader for the Davis Rewilding Society, and has worked alongside Kaitlin Oki (Landscape Stewardship Coordinator for the Solar Community Housing Association) and SCHA co-op resident volunteers.